
4 years ago

Reactivate dormant Lactobacillus Paracasei

Hello fellow Labettors, I would like to know what would be the best method/medium to reactivate my dormant Lactobacillus paracasei cells?. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Experiment: Bacterial cell culture media Lactobacillus paracasei

Top comment

Hello Janardhan, You should be able to do that by inoculating a colony in MRS broth and then incubating it for a week at 37 °C. Check the tube every day and if you see some turbidity subculture it 3-4 times in order to get an active culture.

Answered 4 years ago


Try this: Incubate MRS broth anaerobically at least overnight. Inoculate with as large an inoculum of L. paracasei as you can spare. Incubate anaerobically at between 30 to 37 °C until you observe inreased turbidity. Passage similarly two or three more times. Then transfer to agar plates.

Answered 3 years ago

Hello Janardhan, You should be able to do that by inoculating a colony in MRS broth and then incubating it for a week at 37 °C. Check the tube every day and if you see some turbidity subculture it 3-4 times in order to get an active culture.

Answered 4 years ago

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