PCR Quantitative real-time PCR - Bacterial DNA

A PCR reaction consists of the template DNA, two primers covering the amplification site, an enzyme, and buffers. A quantitative, real-time PCR reaction typically includes all of that plus a probe that can be detected fluorescently as the reaction runs, with no gel required. for detection. However, non-specific product amplification and primer-dimer formation during set-up are major causes of PCR failure. Nevertheless, high-quality DNA polymerase and optimize reaction buffers will certainly lead to a successful PCR reaction.

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Found 6 matching solutions for this experiment

Upstream tips
Amplicon size should be consistent for each target sequence and limited to approximately 65 - 100 bp.
Protocol tips
PCR plates, tubes and pipette tips should be UV sterilized for 20-30 mins
Upstream tips
Amplicon size should be consistent for each target sequence and limited to approximately 65 - 100 bp.
Protocol tips
PCR plates, tubes and pipette tips should be UV sterilized for 20-30 mins
Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Upstream tips
Amplicon size should be consistent for each target sequence and limited to approximately 65 - 100 bp.
Protocol tips
CR plates, tubes and pipette tips should be UV sterilized for 20-30 mins
SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Upstream tips
Amplicon size should be consistent for each target sequence and limited to approximately 65 - 100 bp
Protocol tips
PCR plates, tubes and pipette tips should be UV sterilized for 20-30 mins
Upstream tips
Amplicon size should be consistent for each target sequence and limited to approximately 65 - 100 bp.
Protocol tips
PCR plates, tubes and tips should be UV sterilized for 20-30 mins
Protocol tips
Test different primer/probe concentrations and extension temperatures in order to achieve maximum replication efficiency.
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