Autophagy assay cell type - N87

As autophagy is a multi-step process which includes not just the formation of autophagosomes, but most importantly, flux through the entire system, including the degradation upon fusion with lysosomes, which makes it quite challenging for detection. There are several methods for detection in mammalian cells, including immunoblotting analysis of LC3 and p62 and detection of autophagosome formation/maturation by fluorescence microscopy, Currently, there is no single “gold standard” for determining the autophagic activity that is applicable in every experimental context, hence it is recommended to go for the combined use of multiple methods to accurately assess the autophagic activity in any given biological setting.

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Protocol tips
Five GC cell lines (AGS, N87, NCC19, NCC59 and SNU1967) were grown under the conditions described above. For assaying autophagy, a Cyto-ID Autophagy detection kit (Enzo Life Sciences, Farmingdale, New York, USA) was used according to the manufacturer's protocol. For assaying apoptosis, an Annexin V: PE Apoptosis detection Kit I (BD Biosciences, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, USA) was used according to the manufacturer's protocol. FACSVerse (BD Biosciences) was used for flow cytometry analysis.
Protocol tips
Use Cyto-ID dye (1 μl/4 ml assay buffer) for 30 minutes in dark at RT.
Downstream tips
Incase of Low CYTO-ID dye staining in all treatments, increase the reagent concentration (500X dilution of the dye is recommended) and the incubation time.

Incase of High CYTO-ID staining, it could be that the cell culture medium was depleted of nutrients and so change media 4-8 hours before the experiment
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