DNeasy mericon Food Kit (50)

DNA isolation / purification Processed food

DNA isolation / purification Processed food
DNeasy mericon Food Kit (50) from Qiagen

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DNA extraction: Three methodologies for DNA extraction in processed food were compared. The CTAB conventional methodology use chemical agents and organic solvents for the purification phase. Some commercials kits use magnetic bead that binds the DNA in a saline solution (Wizard® Magnetic, Promega), and others use columns with silica membrane (DNeasy, Qiagen). Manufacturing food products influence the quality and quantity of the DNA extracted. The DNA extracted may have PCR inhibitors including lipids, polyphenols, and polysaccharides, avoiding amplification by PCR. Therefore, the extracted DNA from some samples showed a low concentration and the DNA could not be visible in an agarose gel (Fig. 1A) [10]. The methods showing a greater amount of genomic DNA were the CTAB and DNeasy mericon food kit in sausage and grains groups, whereas the other groups showed degradation in the DNA, and may present few contaminant factors that inhibit the DNA extraction, which are difficult to remove [11]. Besides, degraded DNA could be explained by the type of processing in the product elaboration, which may use strong alkaline or acid agents that produce hydrolytic degradation of DNA; furthermore, the exposing for long periods at high temperatures resulted in fragmentation of high molecular weight DNA which consequently affects the PCR analysis [12, 13]. Significant differences of DNA quality measured by absorbance (A260/A280) was encountered within snack and sausage groups. The DNA extracted using the CTAB and DNeasy mericon food kit protocols were close to the optimum ratio of 1.8 (Fig. 1D) [14]. Combination of protocols and/or commercial kits could be performed to increase the DNA yield and quality.

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